B32 Artspace ©

Built with Berta.me

  1. PLAT FROID: your order has expired

    12.10.2018 - 16.11.2018 | Space Collection Liège (BE)

    An exhibiton by Jeroen Jaenen, Mike Moonen & Joep Vossebeld


    What was wrong became good and the good may suddenly be wrong tomorrow.
    Awful even, the day afer tomorrow.
    Not that it has become more difcult to see how things really are, on the contrary.
    Our real problem is that the word 'real' turned out to be a fabricaton.
    So please choose carefully from the following optons:
    a. Black is the absence of light and White is all colours intertwined.
    b. Both Black and White are all colours with each other.
    c. We can no longer use the words Black and White.
    Can we stll think in 'contrasts' at all? Yes you can, but no, you do not want to. Why would you? The Man is The Woman, ugly = beautful, rich at the same tme is ofen poor, working is also nonworking, even not-anymore-working is working, death is postponed life and fast is slower than ever before. In fact, optmism is naïve and pessimism intelligent, the guest is the intruder and the loudmouth the saviour. We have decided not to speak any longer, but only to consent to everything that comes our way.
    That's why this summer we are working on an exhibiton at Space Collecton in Liège that will open on 12 October 2018. We will pick up the rubbish you lef behind along the motorway, use all the words that you anonymously spammed into the world and mold the waste of all your previous (and possible) lives into a usable and tasty mass.
    You can pick up your belongings on the spot.
  2. Gladys Zeevaarders & Sophie Johns

    04.07 - 11.07.2019


    Gladys Zeevaarders & Sophie Johns werken al enige tijd als duo aan een serie monumentale krijttekeningen. Teglijkertijd met hun afstuderen aan de master "POLIS" aan MAFAD tonen ze een aantal van deze werken bij B32 Artspace.


    Van Eyck Academie


    Most people think of a cellar as a damp, musty place, a space where spiders quietly spin webs between the soup cans, where the floor is cluttered with empty glassware and sprouting potatoes, with a bottle of jenever tucked away in a corner (for emergencies only, of course); a place where we tidy up once in ten years for appearances' sake. You'll understand how stunned we were when, with no idea what to expect, we pushed open a door in the Van Eyck in search of the source of various strange sounds that kept drifting up the stairway. In the dingy basement room, amid bottles and scurrying spiders, people were practising, jamming and improvising things. It turned out to be a rehearsal place for the 3rd Museum Night. Peering through the gap of the door, we spotted some familiar acts: the Dutch whistling champion, Grandma Riekie's Sound Mix Show, a scientist polishing up a lecture, Patrick the useless DJ, a treadmill with loads of running modes and uncle Tonnie on a motorized sofa. As for the other 19 acts, it was hard to figure out what they were about. Which is all the more reason to descend into the basement on 13 April. Let's hope we get to uncork those jenever bottles at last. It's high time!


    The Van Eyck and B32 Artspace presented a continuous programme with acts by:


    Anan Striker, Anouk Schepens, Mr. Awkward Show Live, Broken Toaster RecordsChaim van Luit & Joep Vossebeld, De Schuldjongens, Donna Carolena Burlesque, Fran Hoebergen, Germaine SijstermansJuan Pablo Plazas Sáenz, Khe Siang, Los Dansing Queenc, Messieurs DelmotteNowah KaterOtomaxRosa Carmel Vrij & Ben Weir, Rowan van AsSimone Schuffelen, TimoArt, Vicky Sapouna & Filipe Neves Curral

    Pictures: Myrthe Ingenhut