25.09.2015 – 11.10.2015.
Artists: Astrid Mingels and Timmy van Zoelen
Pictures: Myrthe Ingenhut
04.07 - 05.07
Mathias Soironstraat, Pieter Poststraat, Henri Jonaslaan & Gilles Doyenstraat.
Van spook- tot theehuizen, van exposities tot een muzikale ode aan Cheryl Crow; meer dan 25 woningen openden in het weekend van 4 en 5 juli in Caberg de deuren. Voor veel jonge kunstenaars en creatieve ondernemers is de wijk Caberg een thuishaven. De oude pisbakkenbuurt is dé uitvalsbasis geworden voor ambitieuze mensen die werken aan hun culturele carrière in Maastricht. Naast een muzikale, culinaire en kunstzinnige manifestatie, was de CABERG BIËNNALE een subtiel protest tegen de geplande verdwijning van de geliefde woningen.
27.06.2015 - 12.07.2015
Artists: Paulina Mellado and Martin La Roche
Pictures: Myrthe Ingenhut
Organised by: Joep Vosebeld
22.05.2015 – 23.06.2015Curator Ben Kaufmann (NAK Aachen) invited the artists Nina Grunenberg, Joe Neave, Regina Schmeken, Pola Sieverding, Alex Wissel and Jan Bonny to transform B32 into a sixties 'TOPLESS' bar.
During the KunstTour-weekend the 'Variété Talullah' will be programmed by Rudy Beerens, starring Ramblin Wayn, Ivo van Megen, Planet T, Perla Vita and Coen's Verein in memoriam of Ralph Wingens.
Thanks to: NAK
09.04.2015 - 26.04.2015
What is it gonna be?
Between what shape or medium are you going to chose as an artist.
The 'packing' will direct a great part of the abilities for the artwork to speak.
What we, the artists, thought is: the least we can do is to communicate that we believe in a concept of 'something promising'.
Whether this is perhaps somewhat unseemly optimistic is not our main consideration.
We are all going after this promise of truth, knowing that fulfillment would mean the end of the forecast.
We know that what we are searching for is something in between the shape and the actual object.
The expectations of the artist and the outcome of his ideas related to the acknowledgement of the viewer will remain an uncleared, enigmatic issue.
Artists: Paul Drissen, Ann-Marie Cawley, Koen Kloosterhuis, Ruby van Veldhoven
Pictures: Romy Finke.
Apprentice/Master is a project by Kunstpodium T
This exhibition is supported by the Maastricht Academy of Fine Arts and Design
30.01.2015 - 22.02.2015
Artist: Imants Ancans
Curator: Kristine Ancane
10.01.2015 - 25.01.2015
Artists: Frank Govers, Johannes Langkamp, Kathi Seebeck, Vincent Vreeke
Pictures: Frank Govers
Organised by: Vincent Vreeke and Joep Vossebeld