Still Life for White Walls
06.12 2014 – 21.12 2014
"Like a very thin veil sliding slowly
Confusing what's inside and outside
Opening a window for velocity
A hidden complicity between the figure and the rest
The cinema of dust
A levitating body".
Artists: Mateo Cohen and Nestor Gutierrez
Organised by: Joep Vossebeld
Pictures: Nestor Gutierrez
Altijd Wat
14.11.2014 - 23.11.2014.
"Ergens vind ik dat wij allen goochelaars zijn, of antropologen.
En misschien is 'Altijd Wat' (ook Wat met hoofdletter..) wel de beste titel..
Er is Altijd Wat. Er gebeurt Altijd Wat bij ons in de buurt.. Wij vinden Altijd Wat.. Wij doen Altijd Wat. Maar er is ook Altijd Wat aan de hand. Altijd Wat is positief en hoopvol (wij vinden altijd weer wat anders) en het is ook humoristisch en een beetje treurig in de zin dat er altijd wat mis gaat. Als je 'Altijd Wat' een paar keer hardop achter elkaar zegt dan weet je niet eens meer wat wat betekent. Zodoende kunnen we onze eigen rariteiten, problemen, gedoe, pogingen en etc. verenigen om tot een nieuwe climax te komen."
Artists: Frank Koolen, Mike Moonen, Rowan van As, Thijs Franssen, Vincent Bijleveld
Organised by: Mike Moonen and Joep Vossebeld
Pictures: Myrthe Ingenhut
Cruising along the Ocean Energy/Future
12.09 2014 – 05.10 2014
A spontaneous invitation by Willem van Kempen to a group of individual artists he felt related to, gave birth to this exhibition.
The exhibition is about the problematic area between making and showing, finished and unfinished, quality and judgment. It is not so much about painting, assembling, collage, sculpture or the possibility of an ‘image’, it is about the problem of presenting the work. The quest for the best presentation form, that respects the ephemeral character of the works.
We believe, that this presentation, as it is shown now in B32 Artspace, depicts the current questioning on the art-object in the most subdued manner: an inventory of studies, work, relics and residues shown in an archival fashion..
Artists: Dirk Bours, Lorna Buckley, Oscar Creemers, Paul Drissen, Chantal Le Doux, Willem van Kempen, Ray Moon, Maarten Spons
With contributions from: Simon Schothorst, Ronja Markworth en Jeroen Jaenen
Organised by: Joep Vossebeld
Pictures: Lorelinde Verhees
Collection of Useless Cosmologies in Empty Spaces
16.05 2014 - 01.06 2014.
Carlos Alfonso and Martijn Riksen are constantly building on an ever expanding universe. Strange rituals take place, with deformed bodies an limbs in a setting of waving flags. The sculptures shown here function as prothesis, tools necessary for the conducting of the ritual. Even though they have different cultural backgrounds and working methods Carlos and Martijn share an interest in consequence and repetition. It is not about the quest to the new or original. Through repetition and rearranging of the same elements they try to find the perfect balance. Both use different media to express their ideas: sketches, comics, paintings and sculptures. During this exhibition they will show you a glimpse of their world, with the altars as materialized centerpieces.
Artists: Martijn Riksen (www.martijnriksen.com) Carlos Alfonso (www.carlosaalfonso.blogspot.com).
Organised by: Joep Vossebeld
Pictures: Carlos Alfonso and Martijn Riksen
Belief in Fear21.03 2014 - 20.04 2014.
We are born fearless. Fear is something we learn in order to survive, but it can also limit us in life. Fear does not exist without us believing in it.
Artists: Anna Adamo [IT], Patrick Bolk [NL], Max Boschini [IT], Irina Volgareva [RU], Bert Janssen [NL], Christopher Roxs [BE], Katy Strange [NL], Lisa der Weduwe [UK]
Curated by: Luca Soudant
Pictures: Luca Soudant