Opening 27.02.25 5–9 pm
08.03.25 – 30.03.25
Kom op donderdag 27 februari naar de feestelijke opening van ‘pivot’, een duo-toonstelling met werken van Irina Colun en Aline Verstraten. De deuren gaan om 17.00 uur open, gevolgd door een rondleiding met de kunstenaars om 19.00 uur.
In deze tentoonstelling tonen de kunstenaars een selectie van hun sculpturen en schilderijen. Dit is de eerste keer dat de overeenkomsten in hun visuele taal worden onderzocht, waarbij wordt benadrukt hoe ze met elkaar interacteren. De kunstenaars verdiepen zich in thema's als centraliteit, zwaartekracht en cyclische beweging – concepten die, hoewel ze op verschillende manieren benaderd worden, voor beiden diep resoneren. Ieder interpreteert deze thema's vanuit unieke perspectieven en biedt een eigen kijk op een 'pivot' en de bijbehorende ideeën.
De tentoonstelling is gesloten in het carnavalsweekend (1 en 2 maart), maar is na de opening weer te bezichtigen van 8 maart tot en met 30 maart, op zaterdagen en zondagen van 13.00 tot 17.00 uur, of op afspraak. Toegang is gratis.
Volg ons op sociale media en raadpleeg onze website om op de hoogte te blijven van het programma!
Afbeelding: Irina Colun
Join us on Thursday, February 27th, to celebrate the opening of ‘pivot’, a duo exhibition showing works of Irina Colun and Aline Verstraten. Doors open at 5 pm, followed by a guided tour with the artists at 7 pm.
In this duo exhibition, Irina Colun nand Aline Verstraten are showing
a selection of their sculptures and paintings. This marks the first time their similar visual languages are explored together, highlighting how they interact. The artists delve into themes of centrality, gravity, and cyclical motion—concepts that, while approached differently, resonate deeply for both. Each artist will interpret these themes from unique perspectives, offering their own take on a pivot and its related ideas.
Due to the carnival break, the exhibition is closed on March 1st and 2nd, but will be open again from March 8th until March 30th on Saturdays and Sundays from 1 to 5 pm, or by appointment. Entrance is free. Follow us on social media and visit our website to stay up to date with the programme!
Image: Irina Colun -
Ana Tomimori & Carlos Guzmán
07.12.2024 - 11.01.2025
7th of December from 17:00 to 21:00
guided tour with the artists at 18:30Ana Tomimori and Carlos Felipe Guzmán spent seven years restoring a coffee farm in Cachipay, a small town in the mist forest of the Colombian Andes.
The Netherlands was once the center of the world coffee trade. The first arabica coffee plant to reach Europe was brought in 1616 by the Dutch VOC to the Amsterdam botanical garden. The Coffee market has the same age as capitalism and the world as we know it today. In Colombia it is related to sudden spurts of economic prosperity followed by decay in a history of rural social conflicts. The country drinks a small percentage of its harvests but has been a leader in the production of Arabica varieties for more than a century.
Through different media such as photography, video, silkscreens and a candle installation, the viewer will follow a non-linear narrative about issues related to the Colombian countryside. Coffee generates memories, the exhibition seeks to unveil them by showing a hidden history of this popular beverage.
Workshop: Coffee Tastes Like Coffee
- Sunday 8th December
- Saturday 21st December
- Free entrance
This project is realised with kind support of the City of Maastricht and Mondriaan Funds.
Conflict resolution
Doorlopend / continuously
Conflict resolution is een jaar durende publieke interventie die zich enerzijds richt op de wijk "de Ravelijn" als historische locatie (een ravelijn is een driehoekig verdedigingsgebied, als deel van grotere vestingwerken), en anderzijds op de recentere geschiedenis van de woonschool, toen nog gelegen aan de rand van de stad.
Getekend met stoepkrijt op het nabij gelegen speelplein lopen militaire kaarten en stroomschema's in elkaar over, en raken contrasterende begrippen met elkaar verstrengeld.
Foto: Conflict resolution #1, 27 januari 2024.
Conflict resolution is a year-long public intervention that focuses on the one hand on the "Ravelijn" district as a historical location (a ravelin is a triangular defense area, as part of larger fortifications), and on the other hand on the more recent history of the rehabilitation neighbourhood (a post-war Dutch system of model homes meant to rehabilitate people who were considered anti-social) then still located on the edge of the city.
Drawn with sidewalk chalk on the nearby playground, military maps and flowcharts merge, and contrasting concepts become intertwined.
Photo: Conflict resolution #1, January 27, 2024. -